
Not your average IPAD tablet

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So you might be wondering what in the world does Make it Plain on Tablets mean.  It’s a phrase taken from an Old Testament verse (NIV) Habbakuk 2:2

Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets that a herald may run with it.

In Habbakuk’s day tablets meant stones with words carved or marked on them.  Not so easy to run with – but I suppose they didn’t know any different.  Today tablet has come to mean a whole other medium.

This type of tablet makes it amazingly easy to run with information!

Habbakuk had been given a specific message from God to His people.  He spoke of violence and injustice, greed and the economy, perversion, and self sufficency. The ails of our world seem to be timeless. This old prophet had a message of encouragement and hope to share with God’s people.

Make it Plain on Tablets is a blog where I will share what I believe God is sharing with me, a place I will share my story and testimonies, and a venue where I hope to provoke the reader into devotion AND action.